In a lively amusement park, adorable little creatures called Chupi lived happily in their own cozy cage. One day, a mischievous cat sneaked up to the cage and scared the Chupi, causing them to scatter all over the park. Now it's up to you to help the caretaker catch all the runaway Chupi!

How to Play:

  1. Explore the Park: Move around the amusement park, looking for the hidden Chupi who have scattered in all directions.
  2. Use the Vacuum Cleaner: Position your vacuum cleaner to suck up the Chupi through the pipe. Be quick and accurate to catch them all!
  3. Move Obstacles: If a Chupi is hiding behind a box or a donut, move the object aside to reveal the creature.
  4. Catch Them All: Your goal is to catch every Chupi in the level to move on to the next challenge.


  • Mouse or Arrow Keys: Use the mouse or arrow keys to move around the park and position your vacuum cleaner.
  • Click or Spacebar: Click or press the spacebar to activate the vacuum cleaner and suck up the Chupi.
Chuppy Shills was added in Puzzle Games.