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Big City Greens: Haywire Harvest
Recently, Cricket and Tilly, along with their father, moved to the city to live with their grandmother Alice from a small village. They used to have their own farm, but something went wrong and they were forced to change their place of residence. In the city, the Green family reunited completely, because there they met with their mother named Nancy. The parents of the children, although they were divorced, remained good friends.
In "Green Family in the City: Killer Harvest" you will find a super cool mission to free the cafe from the invasion of farmer robots. It sounds incredible, but the robots really attacked the cafe due to a glitch in the program. But the Green family did not cope with such difficulties. This means that the robots will soon be unhappy! This game in the style of a classic strategy will require you to be far-sighted and able to think a few steps ahead. This will help when you place weapons and traps on the battlefield. The guys from the Green family will stand on the left side of the game, and the robots will advance from the right side. You must accumulate a certain amount of drops in order to buy combat weapons and traps. After each victory, you will receive seeds that you can plant. Then you need to collect the most lethal crop, which will become your weapon against robots.