The adventures of the two amusing Vikings didn't end in the second part of the story, so we can continue exploring the dungeons in the sequel. Here, we will reunite with our old friends: the huge red-haired Viking without a helmet, but armed with a massive hammer capable of smashing any wall or defeating enemies. The second hero is a Viking in a helmet with wheat-colored hair and a large shield, which often came in handy. You are probably already familiar with the abilities of both Vikings if you are playing the third part and have surely invited an assistant to help you finish the adventure together.

Let us remind you that the shielded Viking can always lend his shield to his friend, use it for protection, and most amusingly, glide over small gaps using the shield as a hang glider. His red-haired friend is slightly smaller, allowing him to jump and overcome obstacles. It is most convenient to play when each character is controlled by a different player, but if you forgot to invite an assistant, you can play solo, controlling one Viking at a time.

Duo Vikings 3 was added in Two Player Games.

Controls in the game for Player 1 / Player 2:

  • Movement: AWD / Arrow keys
  • Red-haired Viking's hammer attack: S
  • Shielded Viking's shield usage: Up arrow