Finally, the world is delighted with the new installment of the game "Zombie Parade Defense 6." Exciting new adventures await the beloved warrior duo. Brave brother and sister are once again embarking on a mission to fight the ferocious zombies who seek to conquer humanity. This time, the game's events unfold in a vast underground laboratory. On an unfortunate day, a virus leaked there, and many employees turned into bloodthirsty mutants. The newly converted set free the experimental monsters, and the entire laboratory has become one enormous trap swarming with all sorts of walking dead.

You can enjoy this game both solo and with a partner. In the two-player mode, you can effectively annihilate the monsters with the help of your teammate. Collect various weapons and eliminate the creatures before they can attack you. Additionally, remember to gather gold and visit the in-game shop. There, you can upgrade booster characteristics, enhance weapons, and boost your characters' health. Have a pleasant gaming experience, and good luck!

Zombie Parade Defense 6 was added in Two Player Games.