"Police Robot Panda" is an incredibly exciting game that will take you to the distant future, where mankind has made unprecedented progress in robotics! A prototype police robot has been developed that can be remotely controlled at any distance. 

This will allow law enforcement officers to perform their work even more efficiently and detain dangerous criminals without risk to their lives.

Start chasing an intruder who is trying to escape from justice in a lifeless desert. Catch up and neutralize the violator of the law in order to bring him to justice and put an end to his atrocities forever! But be careful, because on your way you will meet various obstacles, such as fallen trees, metal fences and many other dangerous traps.

 Transform into a huge beast or an fighter to safely overcome all obstacles on the way. Also, don't forget to collect ammo boxes that will allow you to launch a powerful missile salvo and destroy any barrier! 

In the store, you can purchase a unique "Skin" for your character, which will intimidate enemies with its appearance alone! Good luck!

Police Panda Robot was added in Police Car Games.