Embark on an exhilarating journey with "Super Mario Bros Riders," where you'll partake in a heart-pounding race through a world riddled with cunning traps, enchanting magic stars, and a host of treacherous adversaries. Join our iconic duo, Mario and his loyal companion Yoshi, as they venture into a unique and daring escapade.

Your mission is to guide them safely to the castles that mark the culmination of each level, bringing them one step closer to the coveted rescue of Princess Peach. Are you up for the challenge? Leap through the terrain, amass a wealth of coins, steer clear of the perilous cliffs, and evade the clutches of carnivorous traps that threaten to engulf you. Smash through any obstructive bricks that obstruct your path. Best of luck on this exciting adventure!

Super Mario Riders was added in Mario Games.