Adventure Games Simulation Games Valerka: Blogger Simulator

Welcome to "Valerka: Blogger Simulator" where you can interact with our beloved pet. This is your chance to become an internet sensation with the help of a clever bear that has captured the hearts of many children around the globe. By participating in blogging, you can increase your audience engagement and take your blog to the next level. Are you prepared to do whatever it takes to boost your pet's popularity? If so, let's get started!

Meet our adorable jelly bear, who will be the star of your videos. You must record videos, manage the channel, respond to comments, and amass millions of subscribers and views to become a millionaire and upgrade your studio to a professional level. You can also "like" positive comments or ban negative ones, just like in real life. Additionally, open lucky boxes to acquire new accessories or equipment for your studio! From flying ice cream to Amongas the pet, Vector robot, cactus, and comfortable streamer chair, there are numerous items available to make your videos even more captivating and appealing. Have a fantastic time and good luck!

Valerka: Blogger Simulator was added in Simulation Games.