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Winter Fairy

Girl Dress Up

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Winter is in full swing. Let's look into the fabulous winter forest and see who lives there. A few strokes of a magic wand - and a clearing covered with snow turns into a magical vision. This is the work of the Winter Fairy! Try on wonderful outfits and shoes with the fairy, appreciate these snow-white, blue and dark blue shades. Don't forget to put on a refreshing frosty make-up and a charming hairstyle.

Ready to create an image for the winter Fairy? Then get started! The first step is to put the fairy's room in order. Follow all the signs to decorate everything properly. Just look how strong ice magic is, one touch and everything turns into ice. That's very beautiful. When the fairy room is ready, let's get down to her image. Let's start with cosmetics! But first, let's choose a skin tone, it can be either dark or very light. Then you can apply makeup. Then work a little with the hair and make a beautiful hairstyle. To complete the look, choose a beautiful outfit and jewelry. Now the winter fairy can go to her room and wait for guests. Have a good game!

Winter Fairy was added in Girl Dress Up Games.