Board Games Mahjong Games Amelies Magical Book: Rougelike Mahjong

The young witch Amelie will perform a magic ritual today with the help of magic pieces. You in the game Amelies Magical Book: Rougelike Mahjong will help her in this regard. In front of you on the screen you will see the playing field on which the inscribed pieces will stand. A variety of patterns and inscriptions will apply to them. You will have to examine all the pieces very carefully. Try to find objects to which completely identical images will be applied. Once you find them, you will need to select these objects with a mouse click. Then these objects will disappear from the screen and you will be awarded points for this. Your task is to delete all fields from these items as soon as possible.

Amelies Magical Book: Rougelike Mahjong was added in Mahjong Games.