Ninja Games

In medieval Japan these were assassins, more than 2,500 years ago, they were spies.

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Ninja Games

In medieval Japan these were assassins, more than 2,500 years ago, they were spies. Nowadays they are respected for the unconventional fighting style and enormous many ninja games have been created that will also be available on our site for free. Now you can have fun by choosing samurai battles, Ninja Dao cats, starting missions or adventures with ninja fighters, learning defense strategies. Our games are very clear and have exceptional graphics. Read the instructions carefully and use your mouse or keyboard to make the necessary moves and accumulate points to the next level.

Now you have ninja games that will test your skills of experienced players. You can have fun with your friends by challenging them to a ninja competition to see who gets the most points and who is the fastest and most experienced player. You can become heroes by saving the princess or by fighting against pirates, you can test your skills by jumping, cataraying or fighting like a ninja. You can also draw a ninja or find a way out of the maze. These games test your imagination and dexterity by challenging you to give your best.