Take on the role of the main character, Noob, and navigate through a high-stakes chase with the relentless zombie cops! They are hot on your trail, determined to catch and eliminate you. You must remain vigilant and swift in your actions. As you embark on this adventure, your primary goal is to build your ship and gather points by collecting fish. These points will enable you to construct your boat and acquire new weapons to enhance your defenses.

Set new targets and constantly improve your skills to stay ahead of the pursuing zombie cops. Swiftly maneuver through obstacles with agility and expertise, employing clever tactics to outsmart your relentless pursuers. Embrace the challenge fearlessly as Noob and take on thrilling missions, ultimately defeating the zombie cops and creating the ultimate pirate ship that will ensure your triumph! Prepare for an adrenaline-pumping experience in this action-packed game!

Noob vs Cops was added in Minecraft Games.