Piggy: Escape from Pig is a horror adventure game based on the popular Granny series. You are trapped in a house whose landlord is a giant humanoid pig, scour the building for the front door key, and don't let yourself get killed by the monstrous creature. 

Trapped in a mansion with bad piggy with a bat that want to smash you, run around to find enough secret keys to escape the house.

Piggy Escape is a survival game. To survive, you will have to solve various puzzles, secrets, and escape while avoiding the pig. The pig’s goal is to kill you, or at least prevent you from escaping.

In order for the pig to hunt/kill the player, the pig must touch you.

The main goal is to find all the necessary items and use them correctly to escape from piggy horror escape.
Good luck!

Game controls:

  • WASD to move
  • E to interact
  • Esc to unlock mouse control


Piggy Escape was added in Escape Games.