In the action-packed game "Black Apocalypse," prepare to be transported to the year 2050, where you would expect a futuristic cyberpunk world with flying cars and abundant robots. However, reality paints a vastly different picture. Rather than progress, society has regressed significantly. A global conflict ravaged the world, leading to the deployment of devastating weapons of mass destruction. The aftermath resulted in widespread destruction and the loss of millions of lives. Amidst this chaos, only a small group of survivors managed to carve out a new existence.

As a player, you assume the role of a young black boy navigating this post-apocalyptic world. Together with your tribe, you have settled along the banks of a vast river. Unfortunately, recent attacks by wolves have brought trouble to your settlement. Now, you must embark on hunting missions and eliminate your enemies. This challenge awaits you in the first part of the game. However, "Black Apocalypse" is divided into 10 parts, each presenting thrilling adventures for the young protagonist. Prepare to explore the island, engage in battles against enemy soldiers, and fight for your people's aspirations of a new, prosperous life.

Black Apocalypse was added in Survival Games.