In the mystical world of Garten of Rainbow Monsters, an epic journey awaits, where brave heroes must rise to save the garden from the fearsome Rainbow Monsters threatening its very existence. Two courageous adventurers, Jack and Sara, have been chosen to take on this perilous quest. It's up to you to decide which hero you'll accompany on this fantastic adventure.

Once you've conquered all the stages and overcome every foe, you'll finally reach the ultimate showdown at the final stage. There, you'll face a truly formidable boss, a monstrous creature fueled by the very essence of the Rainbow Monsters' power. This boss will test your courage, determination, and skills to the limit.

The fate of the garden lies in your hands. Will you and your chosen hero rise to the occasion, defeat the Rainbow Monsters, and save the Garten from its impending doom? The adventure awaits, and the world is counting on you. Embrace the challenge, fight valiantly, and may your journey be filled with glory and triumph!

Garten of Rainbow Monsters was added in Rainbow Friends Games.